[ Mega Script
Archive ]
Below is a list of some scripts, add-ons and extras
that are available for various scripts. They have been
provided by users of my scripts at no charge and they
said that I could use it and allow others to use them. If
you have something you would like to add, please let me
- MailFile
This script allows you to send multiple files by
e-mail to someone requesting them from a web
page. It is based on a simplified version of my FormMail
script. Includes instructions a nice demo, which
allows you to mail the scripts to yourself using
the script!
- BiblioBasket
A simple, free-ware, perl script which enables an
interactive sorting of bibliographic citations on
the web. It sorts incoming citations by relevant
section, and also saves each citation to a
separate flat-file in "BASIC" text
format. A spinf-off of my Free For All Link
- Operating
Multiple Boards On One WWWBOARD.CGI
SIMPLE solution to setting up multiple WWWBoard
scripts with one WWWBoard.cgi script. Step by
Step instructions on modifying the program and
working examples are also offered! Great Add-On
for sites running multiple WWWBoard scripts.
- Customizing
the look of WWWBOARD posts
- written by Craig D. Horton <dbasics@pacificnet.net>
This explanation and sample code explains how to
easily set the background color and other
cosmetic features of WWWBoard posts.
- Simple
WWWBoard Search Engine
- written by Craig D. Horton <dbasics@pacificnet.net>
Implement a simple search of your WWWBoard files
via a search form.
- Viewing
Messages Before Posting (WWWBOARD.CGI)
- written by Craig D. Horton <dbasics@pacificnet.net>
This add-on to WWWBoard allows users to view
their post before finally submitting it and
having it posted.
- Creating
a Private WWWBoard
- written by Craig D. Horton <dbasics@pacificnet.net>
Allows you to modify the WWWBoard script to allow
posting from only a select group of individuals
based on their e-mail address.
- Denying
WWWBOARD Accessing
- written by Craig D. Horton <dbasics@pacificnet.net>
Yet another article from DBASICS explaining a new
feature they have integrated into their WWWBoard.
This file expalins how to block posting access to
certain sites so that people can be blocked from
posting if they keep spamming your WWWBoard.
- Subscribing
Function for Matt's WWWBoard
- written by Craig D. Horton <dbasics@pacificnet.net>
The Subscription Function for Matt's WWWBoard
script allows users to subscribe to your message
board. After they have subscribed they will
receive all postings to that message board by
e-mail. There is also an unsubscribe function
when people want out!
- How
To Send WWWBOARD.CGI Digested Articles
- written by Craig D. Horton <dbasics@pacificnet.net>
If you would rather have a digested mailing list,
where mail from WWWBoard gets sent out at the end
of every day, you can use this script rather than
the one above.
- SendCGI
- written by SMH Software
The SendCGI Script allows users to have a file
e-mailed to them from a web site. All the user
has to do is enter their name and e-mail address
on the form and click the "Send"
button. The text file will then be sent to them
as the body of an e-mail message. Based on slight
modifications of FormMail.
- Create
URL Database
- written by Matt Wright -
Version 1.0 Released 12/15/95
This program will take your free for all link
page and convert it into a database suitable for
the random link generator.
- Multiple
Link Eliminator
- written by Usama Wazeer <usamaw@cs.utexas.edu>
This 'C' program was written to automatically
take out any duplicate links in your links.html
file for the Free For All Links Page. It will report all line which have
duplicate urls, and then also take out the lines
and create a new links.html file.
- Convert
- written by Jon Wichmann Hansen <eclipse@hp3.cbs.dk>
Converts Netscape Version 1.2 - 2.0beta bookmark
files into a format readable by my Random Link Generator.
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Matt Wright - mattw@worldwidemart.com
⌐ 1995 - 1997 Matt's Script Archive, Inc.